Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Wilting Arts and Video by Sarah Hazell
Music by ZREO Team

Sunday, 28 November 2010

The relationship between paint and a surface have been explored in this series of works where the paint is removed from its surface.

These pieces are the result of experimenting with paint and sand. They were exhibited at Cat Hill Campus, Middlesex University in May 2010.

Friday, 22 January 2010

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Sarah Hazell has explored paint and found a way to make the drip marks dry away from the surface that has been painted on. Piles of sand were used while painting, and when the paint was dry the sand was tipped away.

Saturday, 16 January 2010

These works show movement in Landscapes. Gloss paint was used along with the drip technique to create a whirlwind atmosphere. These paintings show a collision of painting styles. These were exhibited at Cat Hill Campus of Middlesex University in April 2009.

BOX SET was a group project between four artists, Sarah Hazell, Jakub Ceglarz, Anastasia Starikova and Rajaul Hoque. Each artist made two small white boxes in which they filled with art. They then took these boxes around London. They effectively brang small gallery spaces with art to the public, rather than inviting the public to a gallery. As they made our trip around London, they were filming, which would become a video that would play on a loop. BOX SET was exhibited at the Cat Hill Campus of Middlesex University twice, once in February 2009 and the other in April 2009.

This piece of work was created in 2008. It shows the beach during a storm. Blue and yellow gloss paint was used to show the effect of the wind on the waves.